The early Latter-day Saints were bitterly persecuted for holding to this doctrine. They were the butt of many clever stories. We, of course, are not free from that today. Should we not then make one accommodation and set this doctrine aside? ...Some have recommended that we confine ourselves strictly to evidences of the gospel: happy family life, and temperate living, and so on. Could we not use the words better or best? The word only really isn't the most appealing way to begin a discussion of the gospel.
If we thought only in terms of diplomacy or popularity, surely we should change our course. But we must hold tightly to it even though some turn away. ("The Only True Church," Ensign, Nov. 1985, 80-81)
That is not my statement. That is the statement of the Lord himself. A minister once said to me, "Aren't you very arrogant to make a statement concerning such magnitude as that?" I said, "I didn't say it. The Lord said it, and because He said it, I believe it is true." (Gordon B. Hinckley "Inspirational Thoughts," Ensign, July 1998, 4)